Antrim Loughshore
Directions from Antrim Town:
One mile from Antrim Town Centre. Follow signposting for Antrim Forum/Lough Shore Park. On the Dublin Road take the turn off for the Lough Road, passing Antrim Forum. The Lough Shore Park is situated at the end of the Lough Road.
1st July - 7th July - 14th July - 21st July
This tour can be booked to suit your schedule provided it does not clash with existing bookings. Please contact for more details.

Those interested in or in need of intimate, quality, memorable family / bubble experiences.
Families / bubbles interested in the natural environment, ecology and sustainability.
Families / bubbles interested in educational experiences.
Families / bubbles interested in or in need of relaxation or ‘time out’.
Families / bubbles interested in heritage and cultural experiences.
Families / bubbles interested in supporting and sustaining rural workers and their way of life.
Families / bubbles interested in rural tourism.
Families / bubbles interested in community stories and community endeavours.
Families / bubbles who appreciate the outdoors.
Families / bubbles interested in history, especially Irish history.
Families / bubbles interested in good food, knowing where their food comes from, and eating healthily.
Families / bubbles interested in fishing.
Families / bubbles interested in canals.
Families / bubbles who are open-minded explorers!
Book the Cruise

Chargement des jours...
15 livres sterlingOne-hour taster - Lough Neagh boat trips suitable for young families.
Chargement des jours...
15 livres sterling
If we have not scheduled tours for a specific date, please use the contact form below to enquire about additional dates or Private Charters.